REST API Documentation

… can be reached via this link:

Example of getting all available POI categories:

The EnumInformation endpoint can be used to retrieve all available enums of a specific type. These are required for the other available endpoints. For example, the PoiCategory is required when creating or changing POIs. In the following example, all available PoiCategory enums are returned, which can then be used for a POI PUT request.

Works also with: CommandcenterCategory, PoiHospitalDepartment, UnitEquipment, UnitCategory, UnitDispatchOption, UnitDoctorOption, UnitDutyOptions, UnitDutyOptions


curl --location '' \
--header 'Accept-Language: en-US' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your PAT>'


        "type": "PoiCategory",
        "number": 34,
        "name": "Luftrettungszentrum",
        "description": "Air rescue center"
        "type": "PoiCategory",
        "number": 17,
        "name": "Freizeitpark",
        "description": "Amusement park"
        "type": "PoiCategory",
        "number": 5,
        "name": "Bankfiliale",
        "description": "Bank branch"
        "type": "PoiCategory",
        "number": 46,
        "name": "Strand",
        "description": "Beach"
        "type": "PoiCategory",
        "number": 8,
        "name": "Blutbank",
        "description": "Blood bank"
        "type": "PoiCategory",
        "number": 51,
        "name": "Brücke",
        "description": "Bridge"
        "type": "PoiCategory",
        "number": 7,
        "name": "Begräbnisstätte",
        "description": "Burial site"
    // and much more...


Set Accept-Language: to en-US or de-DE to get localized results (if supported).